Donate now and receive The Chaplet of St. Anthony

The Chaplet of St Anthony is a wonderful and powerful way to meditate on the life and virtues of St. Anthony of Padua and ask for his intercession.

Every day, carrying out the tasks entrusted to us by St.Anthony, we friars help the poor and the needy around the world.

To keep on doing this, we need your help. Donate now and receive the Chaplet of St. Anthony created by Friars of the Basilica of St Anthony in Padua, Italy.

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Your donation, of any amount, can make the difference!

100 €

Could help the Conventual Franciscan Friars to continue Saint Anthony's mission

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Could supply much needed assistance to the sick, the disabled and the elderly

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Could buy a basic food pack for a needy family

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How we can help you

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How we can help you

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How we can help you

Help us to continue St. Anthony’s mission!

Every day we Friars of the Basilica of St. Anthony help children and families in difficulty, the disabled and the sick, the homeless and the poor, throughout the world.

We do this by carrying out the task that St. Anthony entrusted to us. But to continue doing this we need your help so that St. Anthony's hands will be your hands, Saint Anthony's heart will be your heart.

Make a concrete gesture of charity, DONATE NOW and receive the Chaplet of St. Anthony created by Friars of the Basilica of Saint Anthony in Padua, Italy.

Donors residing in CANADA, UK, and USA can benefit from specific tax advantages.