Light a Virtual Candle and send your Prayer to St. Anthony

St. Anthony has always been close to his devotees who confidently entrust their hopes to him.
Light a Virtual Candle to entrust him with your intention, to thank him or to remember those who are no longer here.

Evelyn from United States lit a Virtual Candle

Emma from Singapore lit a Virtual Candle

Greta from United Kingdom lit a Virtual Candle

Amelia from Canada lit a Virtual Candle

Evelyn from United States lit a Virtual Candle

Emma from Singapore lit a Virtual Candle

Greta from United Kingdom lit a Virtual Candle

Amelia from Canada lit a Virtual Candle

Accendi la tua Candela virtuale il giorno della Festa di sant'Antonio

Milioni di devoti da tutto il mondo si rivolgono a sant'Antonio, sempre vicino a chi cerca il suo aiuto e la sua intercessione. Accendi la tua Candela virtuale: noi frati, il giorno della festa di sant'Antonio, deporremo la tua preghiera sulla sua tomba.

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